Art Society profile:
Northern Arizona Watercolor Society

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The NAWS, with almost 200 members is located in the beautiful Sedona Valley of Northern Arizona. Just a few hours south of the Grand Canyon, this must be one of the most picturesque and inspiring locations in North America.
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The Northern Arizona Watercolor Society encourages and educates members through regular meetings, public exhibitions, demonstrations and workshops. Workshops scheduled for 2002:

January 8-10, 2002: Betty Carr, a popular instructor both nationally and internationally. Her work is featured in various books and publications

March 18-21, 2002: Hilary Page, divides her career between painting, writing and teaching, both in the U.S. and internationally. She has published three books, written numerous magazine articles and produced six art videos.

May 20-24, 2002: Pat Dews, a signature member of the AWS and NWS, works experimentally using aqua media on paper and canvas. She is an author and also has her paintings included in many additional books and publications.

Barbara Nechis

The Northern Arizona Watercolor Exhibition was held at the Sedona Arts Center from May 23 through June 24, 2001. The Juror for this event was Ms. Barbara Nechis. Ms. Nechis is the author of Watercolor from the Heart and The Creative Experience and her work has appeared in many publications and collections.

A graduate of the University of Rochester with her master's degree from Alfred University, Ms. Nechis is currently teaching seminars at the Pratt Institute. Ms. Nechis encourages experimentation with watercolors, stressing that artists who take risks develop faster than those who abide by the rules. After presenting traditional methods, Ms. Nechis shows how to play with them and how the natural environment inspires new ways of seeing and painting.

"Sedona Rock-4" shown with artist Ms. Judy Lawson

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