March, 2002

Art Society profile: Alaska Watercolor Society

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The Alaska Watercolor Society was formed in 1974 as a not-for-profit organization to help promote the knowledge and understanding of professional watercolor painting in Alaska. The Society sponsors an annual juried watercolor exhibit that is open to all Alaskan residents and members of the Alaska Watercolor Society.

The General Membership Meeting honoring past Presidents, held in March 2001

: Since the primary objective of the Alaska Watercolor Society is to promote public awareness and knowledge about watercolor painting, we welcome all interested individuals to become Associates and Student Members of the Alaska Watercolor Society. Associates may join at any time, may attend all meetings and participate in most events sponsored by the Society.

Past presidents were each awarded a plaque from the Society and then they graciously shared their history with the group. It was an informative and interesting evening.


Work From The 27th Annual Alaska Watercolor Society Statewide Juried Exhibition

Anchorage Museum of History and Art, September 21 - October 18, 2001

"I think rewards should be granted to those who risked much in describing their thoughts and feelings and those who saw the subject in a remarkable way." "..the astute artist has found a method of utilizing (Technical excellence) to express their innermost thoughts and feelings. This society is ready to spread its wings..." - Mary Todd Beam AWS, DF (from her Juror's Statement)

Best of Show "Passage 2" Julie Rearick

" Rebuilding" Kimberly Collins-Marcucci

Second Place "Portrait of Susan K" LaMar Bennett

A"Alaska - The Last Frontier" Jean M.Watson

" Diner at Dawn Series - The Photograph" Michele Suchland

Grumbacher Award "Forces of Nature" Jo Reese



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