Ten years ago a small group of pastel artists in southern
Ontario centred in the Burlington area came together through
their joy in working with pastel as a dry medium. Beginning
with 10 members with a goal to educate and promote dry
pastel as a fine art medium, they have now grown to over
200 active members.

Artists enjoying
themselves as they learn from Margaret Evans.
This past November, The Pastel Association
of Ontario enjoyed a tremendous workshop with international
instructor Margaret Evans of Scotland. Held at the Ontario
Conservation Area, the location was uniquely suited for
the workshop with lakes and trails nearby, the Native
Canadian archeological site and the authentically resconstructed
Long Houses of the Crawford Lake providing subjects.
In October 2002 POA will host Richard McDaniel,
renowned pastel instructor from California at the Bridgewater
Retreat in Tweed. Their Spring Painted-Out workshop is
also booked at the Bridgewater for the second week-end
in June, 2002.

The June, 2001 graphics/PAO workshop
in Lowville with Joseph Cullen, Instructor

David Parson, First Place Winner,
The August 2001 Open Juried Show at the KOR Gallery in
Kitchener (Gallery manager is also pictured)
While graphics/PAO Canada primarily serves
the province of Ontario they include members from across
Canada and even internationally. Contact is maintained
through the internet and their quarterly newsletter Purely
Pastel. The newsletter is also available online
at the association's website. The purpose of the graphics/PAO
is to provide services such as workshops and an annual
show for the benefit of their members as well as promoting
dry pastel as a fine art medium equal in stature to other
fine art mediums such as oil, acrylic and watercolour.
Contact The Pastel Association of Ontario
The graphics/PAO also has a presence on
the Web at
ECUS, Hanemühle & Velke Losiny
Papers are available in Canada from OPUS Framing &
Art Supplies (800) 663-6953